Lutheran Campus Ministry
on the corner of College and Wiggins,
in the Lutheran Campus Centre in Saskatoon, across from the University of Saskatchewan
Looking for a place to share in your faith, make friends, eat cookies, worship, be fed, and hang out?
The LCM is a casual setting for students and friends to come together!
Join us on Tuesdays at 5:30 P.M. for a faith talk followed by supper around 6 P.M.,
or check our hours to swing by.

all are welcome

Lutheran Campus Ministry Saskatoon is a Reconciling in Christ community. We welcome all – straight, gay, lesbian, bi, trans, two-spirit, queer, certain, uncertain, left-handed, right-handed, left-brained, right-brained, introvert, extrovert, confused, opinionated, employed, unemployed, scattered, focused; all shades, shapes, and sizes....

you are invited, regardless of religious background!

Campus Ministry Worship is a rich and dynamic mix of contemporary liturgies from the Lutheran tradition and around the world.
We celebrate Holy Communion, and our table is open to all.
Guided by God's gracious presence through word and Spirit, we explore big questions of justice, inclusion, social action and faith.
As we make meaning together, our spiritual lives are nurtured. We learn to engage deeply with others, who may have differing beliefs, and live in service with our neighbours.
All this happens in a relaxed and friendly setting.
Every Tuesday evening from September through April is church night at the campus centre! A typical week includes a chatting about faith and current events, a communal supper, time to socialize and chill, and tons of cookies!
Faith talk is followed by a simple and tasty homemade meal, served hot whether you made it to the worship or not! Like the faith talk, weekly suppers are rich and varied.
There is no charge for the meal (though offers to cook, bring food, or give a free will offering are always helpful)

About Us
Campus Ministry thrives in the ever-widening circles of God’s abundant grace. Our lean, nimble, inclusive and often messy ministry draws on richness of faith, strength of community and the vigour of academic engagement to welcome and engage with students from across Saskatchewan and around the world.
The mission of Lutheran Campus Ministry is to proclaim and witness, through word and sacrament, to the saving grace of God in the academic community, among students, faculty, and staff.
Lutheran Campus Ministry works in partnership with Chaplains and other faith leaders at the University of Saskatchewan. In support of student spiritual, emotional and physical wellness, we provide weekly worship and a community meal at the Lutheran Campus Centre (on the corner of College and Wiggins just off campus) Known for its bottomless cookie jar, the Campus Centre has drop-in hours, small group meeting space and provides a supported dorm for 5 residents. Our chaplain George Hind has regular hours for conversation, prayer and counsel at the Campus Centre and on campus at Marquis 104 (beside the Tim’s across from the bookstore) Chaplain George serves on the USask Faith Leader’s Council and is a host for the “Good Breakfast” program on campus.
Lutheran Campus Ministry is a ministry of the Saskatchewan synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Since 1959, the Lutheran Campus Centre has been a "home away from home" for students from all over the province, the country, and the world. We gather for the spirit of community that is created through worshiping together, eating together, and sharing together in our life on campus. From our earliest days we have been rooted in the Lutheran tradition but open to all.
We seek to provide a Christian presence on campus in cooperation with other denominations who share similar purposes and goals.
We also work with people of other faith traditions, learning together how to live in a pluralistic world, demonstrating not only how to tolerate the differences in God's creation, but how to celebrate them.
"From within the Canadian context, with a primary focus on the academic community, and according to the understanding of the Christian faith as represented in the practice and teaching of the Lutheran heritage, the purpose of the Lutheran Student Movement in Canada shall be to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed." (LSM-C Constitution)
Lutheran Campus Ministry - Saskatoon adheres to The Sexual Abuse or Harassment Policy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and partners with the University of Saskatchewan Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Association.

Other Resources
On Campus
Local Lutheran Churches
STM Campus Ministry endeavour to foster healthy faith growth, facilitating programs and events that encourage dialogue and reflection between faith and reason. STM ministers offer confidential listening, as well as spiritual and personal guidance to students, faculty, and staff of all backgrounds.
STM Chaplaincy
STM Room 158

Contact us
Email & Phone:
Tel: (306) 653-2509
1302 College Dr, Saskatoon, SK , Canada
S7N 0W5
Typical Hours:
Monday - Morning || Tuesday - Afternoon & Evening
Wednesday - Morning & Afternoon || Thursday - Morning
Chaplain George is often on Campus... if you find the building locked text him at 306 380-2158